-and here we find the inspector-
Well seeing as you already know me even though you really don't, I won't introduce myself in as creepy detail as I did you. ;)
I can only make assumptions as to how you're feeling--discovering someone's been observing you intently (yet subconsciously) and writing these notes down in a black book hidden in a fedora on the back of a headboard can't be THAT concerning. :P
To shoot straight with you, I began this project after I spoke a lie. I won't try and glorify it but I had hinted to someone that I could read people like a book and that I kept up files on people I found interesting.
It was somewhat true--I DID have a black book chock full of scribbled observations. It was a hectic mess. But I wasn't professionally keeping up a filing system--and presently am not either, what I create could be described as a chaotic mess that makes perfect sense--but then I decided to give the "person of interest" book a shot with greater work & intention.
So I began a journal and wrote in it at 12AM every night. It is a really stupid and epic thing to do because I never even remember what I write.
I think obsessively and deeply & feel on an impersonal but connected level.
Forcing myself to create files on people surprisingly gives me a new appreciation for them, I just need all my muddled thoughts down to see how complex & nonsensical and insanely interesting each person is.
So no, I'm not a stalker even if my blog address accuses me otherwise.
And I don't have an uncanny obsession with anyone but think there's something unique in every person that I want to find.
I keep everyone's files updated--so if you've already read yours, there's more to come.
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